Synopsis: In this fantasy adventure based on Cornelia Funke's book, a young girl and her father cause fictional characters to leap into reality. But a formerly book-bound baddie (LORD OF THE RINGS' Andy Serkis) takes the dad hostage, and it's up to the junior heroine--and some fictional help--to rescue her father.

Consensus: High adventure, solid fantasy fare, with all the right ingredients and a stellar cast to boot.

Theatric Release: Jan23,2009 wide
Starring: BrendanFraser, Pual Bettany, Helen Mirren, Jim Broadbent.
Directer:Lian Softley

OMG!!! i think i need to have a time on this movie, it look nice and i'm interest with it.
maybe i will go by this 1st day CNY alone and watch it.....cause this year i will have a
lonely and boring CNY.

This 2nd day of CNY me have plan watch this movie and
go ipoh to look around with my frined
can't wait for it.Ipoh i'm coming!!!
and i have a week of'
holiday to
take a rest,so nice.


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