"A Big Problem" is coming to me Two day ago in my dream,the ghost i saw before is coming back.

"IN that dream,the ghost girl i saw before -two month ago,say something to me.She need help.
Something is very unnormal is i call that girl teacher.
she dress up like before,with yellow dress and she look no scarly at all..
but she got many small scar on her face and body.
on her left face have a scar that look like been cut by knife before..
on her arms with few scar also ....
she doesn't look scarly at all...

just when she was asking me for help is really turn me off ....
she not asking for help with other but is money...
she want 100,000.0 from me..
she look really in trouble...
and really pity at all....

she ask other-only the money...
after that i wake up from the dream ...
but i could't wake up from my bed...
my eye is open and i can see all thing around me ...
i saw my dog keep jumping on my leg...
walk around...
my labtop is just next top me and before sleep i have on a video...
i can hear the voice from the labtop and little part of the story in that video ...
cause that time i can't move my body and even scream out any voice.
just my eyes keep look around and i feel like few of the minutes i move my hand and
hit around my bed ...but it is not paint at all...

so i just spoke some ----word...
at last after half hour...
i wake up ...
and i can know i din't close my eyes ...
i just like wake up with open eyes....
than i faster bring my dog and run off to the living area...

few minutes after, i call all my friend and family to
told them this story...
is really bad..
two month ago i saw her...
but two month after she still want gointo my dream...
asking for help and somemore want money...

i not mind to help but just don't scare me off...

Today, my sabah friend help me go to meet some momo in sabah ...
they say that.
the ghost i saw keep following me ...
Oh, what the ----,
please, go back to our place don't following me again...and momo say she want to bring me to hell....

what ........the ----ing ghost....
so no choice i need back sabah for meet the momo to help me on the trouble...
i know i not really trust this world got ghost and those deman thing....
but i really happen to me....suck!!!

Anyway i hope my bad luck din't bring bad luck,trouble to all my friends..

What a "Suck!!! Ghost Case"

I want to stay normal without those ghost thing Please!!!!


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