Dear i love u , very worries about u, u must me tired every time i call u , u sound so week and tired....dear i really hope to stay beside u ....mucks .... i love u :)

1 week time..... i need to wait again ............feel so bore and can't wait to see u ....haiz!!!!

miss u so much dear!!! i love u !! mucks

Day and Days, i love dear Deep and Deeper,

feel like can't lost him, every minute must stay with him.

Dear i love u . mucks

I'm very sad for today.
I try mybest to help other even i having a serious sick,
but what i get???


U know that i love u so much , each time i see u i can't control myself tat i feel like forcing myself go infront and hug u tigh tigh.

I know that even i'm sick ,but i still need to be a good lover,buy food for u ,take care u.but sometime if i make anything worng pls forgive me,because they are no person in this world are perfect.... sorry for talk loudly in public....

forgive me ok !!
I love u ..



Name:veerence fox (chang vui hung)

Age: 22
Ic number: 890216126401
Maybank Account number :112344377238

Dear help me check my status in bank pls thanks!!!