Long time no update my blog. This is so hurt after all the problem,i still need stay alone.
The life still need go on, everything going to suck now....who can shine on my life now??
But i learn many between this few month, go many place meet many new friends and people.
some of them was interested, so are fun, and some have gave me many life.
Now day, i need study digital animation ,media and law.
sometime stuck in my mind, because of too many thing to memories.
but I'm enjoy it now.
22 July 2010. I meet a person that have shine on my life,he is really funny and he is a happy person.He is a cute person.
Nick, thanks for shame your happy and sad with me, i think we will be best friend forever.
"Nick"- my 1st course mate and future roommate.
we need work and study together soon lo...hope every thing going on fine.
JJJJJJJ(: Anyway i still need to say i love u to that person :)JJJJJJJJ